Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Wuthering Heights Questions for Study and Discussion
Wuthering Heights is one of the greatest works by Emily Bronte. Here are a few questions for study and discussion. Questions for Study and Discussion What is important about the title? AnswerWhat are the conflicts in Wuthering Heights? AnswerHow does Emily Bronte reveal character in Wuthering Heights?What are some themes in the story? How do they relate to the plot and characters?What are some symbols in​ Wuthering Heights? How do they relate to the plot and characters?Are the characters consistent in their actions? Which of the characters are fully developed? How? Why?Do you find the characters likable? Are the characters persons you would want to meet?Does the story end the way you expected? How? Why?What is the central/primary purpose of the story? Is the purpose important or meaningful?How does the novel relate to feminist literature?How essential is the setting to the story? Could the story have taken place anywhere else?What is the role of women in Wuthering Heights? How are mothers represented? What about single/independent women?What elements of the story, plot, characterization, etc. are the most controversial? Why do you think the book was banned? Do you believe the book should remain banned?This novel has been compared to the Twilight series. Do you agree? Why? Why not?Compare A Rose for Emily, by William Faulkner, with this novel. How do the characters cope with rejection?Would you recommend this novel to a friend?
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Essay on Elizabeth I - 1259 Words
The long, lasting conflict between Queen Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots was the fight over the throne. Elizabeth and Mary we second cousins and Mary thought she deserve the crown. The conflict between Elizabeth and Mary ended up leading to Mary’s death. Elizabeth I, â€Å"queen of England and Ireland, was the most famous of English Monarchs and one of the most successful women rulers in history.†(Row, 243). â€Å"She was not only concerned with politics, diplomacy, and the religious struggle against the Counter-Reformation, but was also interested in voyages, finances, literature, and the arts.†(Row 243). On September 7, 1533, Queen Elizabeth was born at Greenwich Palace. She was born to Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Elizabeth was very fluent†¦show more content†¦At the time Elizabeth was in with Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, who opposed Cecil. The Queen knew when to put politics before her own emotional preference. â€Å"Queen Elizabeth and Ce cil had a forty year partnership and made their country strong. When Cecil died in 1598, his son Robert took his place until his death in 1612.†(Row 245). â€Å"At the beginning of her reign she accepted a compromise that went further in that direction she liked. She spent the rest of her reign enforcing it, against the movement toward further reform, as expressed in parliament.†(Row 245). â€Å"Mary Queen of Scotland and France, whose involvement in the religious and dynastic turbulence of her times led to her abdication and execution.†(Loa 398). On December 8, 1542, Mary Stuart was born to Mary of Guise, the queen of James V of Scotland, in Linlithgow, Williams 3 Scotland. Mary’s father, James V died days after her birth and since James’ previous sons had died Mary was up next for the throne as an infant. â€Å"As a result a treaty was signed with France in July 1548 whereby Mary was betrothed to the dauphin Francis, heir to the throne.†(Loa 398). By the age of ten she was fluent in French education, language, and sympathy. â€Å"The marriage eventually took place on April 24, 1558. When Francis succeeded to the throne on the untimely death of his father, Henry II, the following summer, Mary became Queen of France.†(Loa 398). Sometime inShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Queen Elizabeth I And Queen Elizabeth I1271 Words  | 6 PagesGreat Monarchs Side by Side The British empire has seen a grand total of 66 monarchs, all varying in historical importance. Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria are two great monarchs still remembered today. Both women were influential figures who coined their own eras. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Child Observation Report Free Essays
string(29) " to answer simple questions\." Such studies are inducted by scientists or researchers wanting to study the behavior of an organism (including humans) in a natural setting. It can be useful in collecting data that clearly reflects the constraints of an organism’s normal environment and in the case where experimental techniques would be impractical or unethical. This report outlines the data collected during the sessions with each child. We will write a custom essay sample on Child Observation Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now Will refer to Piglet’s Cognitive Development Theory to demonstrate how it is useful in determining different stages of development. I will also outline my observations of both children in terms of where they fit in regards to Piglet’s Cognitive Development Theory. Setting My observations were of two siblings; a four year old girl and a five year old boy. I made arrangements to do the observation through a friend of mine, who has two children under the age of six. I have known this family for three years. The first observation was of the four year old girl (M), which took place on August 19, 2014 starting at 2:23 pm outside in the backyard of their home. Present was her older brother (T – 5 years old), her mother (J), a female friend of the family (C), a medium sized German shepherd, who is the family dog (K) and myself. The backyard was quite large with a large play center with a swing set attached. The sky was a little clouded over, but it was still warm outside. The adults were sitting on the deck around the patio table. The children were told was there to do some work. They did not really pay too much attention to me. I interacted a little with the adults at the table so that I did not seem out of place to the children. My presence did not seem to affect the children at all. Sat with my chair facing the whole backyard so that I could see the children at all times. The second observation was of the five ear old boy I made arrangements with the mother to do the second observation with this child later the same week. The observation took place on August 22, 2014 at 1:08 pm outside in the backyard of their home. This family is preparing to move in one week; therefore the backyard Was the best place to do the observation at the home. Present was his younger sister (M- 4 years old), his mother 0), a medium sized German shepherd, who is the family dog (K) and myself. The backyard was quite large with a large play center with a swing set attached. The sky was a little clouded over, but it was till warm outside. The mother and I were sitting on the deck around the patio table. The children were told I was there again to do some work. They again did not really pay too much attention to me. I interacted a little with their mother at the table so that did not seem out of place to the children. My presence did not seem to affect the children at all. Sat with my chair facing the whole backyard so that could see the children at all times. Results l. Self-concept: M pointed out that she did her hair all by herself when C arrived and M also showed C her new purse. M also shows the ability to scribe how she is feeling about her brother s actions, â€Å"l don ‘t like it when T hits me with his sword†or when she tells T, â€Å"I want to be alone right now†. . Gross Motor Skills: M demonstrated gross motor skills indicative off normal 4 year old. During the time of observation she displayed running around the backyard both with her brother and with the family dog, walking over to the play center, climbing over the chair on the deck, somersaults in the grass and jumping off the chair and off the family friend’s lap. Ill. Fine Motor Skills: M demonstrated normal fine motor skills. She cut open her fruit knack package with scissors without difficulty. She put on her own shoes (fastened believer) on the correct feet before going outside to play. IV. Vocal Language Development: M demonstrated the ability to form sentences more than 4 to 6 words. For example; â€Å"l told you I want to be alone†. She showed the ability to ask ‘Why ‘ questions. She shows an understanding of prepositions when her mother told her that her purse was behind her. She does, however have some grammatical difficulties and people other than her family do have difficulty deciphering what she is saying at times. According to ere mother she has been seen by a Speech Language Pathologist and will be working with them on her speech. V. Social Emotional Development: M showed a lot of interest in playing with her brother; however was also fine playing with the family dog as well. She appeared to really enjoy the imaginative play with her brother while playing the sword fight; however did upset easily if the game was not going her way and did change the rules quite a bit to her brother’s dismay. She was quite distracted by the family dog and tended to her a lot. She displayed some difficulty with moral reasoning on he swing set when she was calling her brother a â€Å"party pants†repeatedly until he got upset. When her brother kept getting in trouble instead of her she did not seem to be aware of his feelings when he was upset, instead she kept antagonizing him. VI. Cognitive Development: M understands the concept of grouping and matching as displayed when she was helping her mother with the puzzle and when taking items out of her purse. She also showed the ability to count from 1 to 10 when she was taking the items out of her purse. She showed the ability to identify secondary colors when showing the family friend her new â€Å"pink†purse. She was able to answer simple questions. You read "Child Observation Report" in category "Observation essays" She was also able to identify common objects and what they are used for; for example the family dogs ball, scissors, hat. Results (Child T) l. Gross Motor Skills: T demonstrated gross motor skills indicative of a normal 5 year old. During the time of observation he displayed running around the backyard, skipping, jumping, walking on just his hands, doing handstands, and hanging on the bars upside down on the play centre. II. Fine Motor Skills: T demonstrated normal fine motor skills. He put on his own shoes (fastened by velour) on the correct feet before going outside to play. He was able to use scissors to open his sour patch kids, which was his snack that afternoon. Ill. Vocal Language Development: T demonstrated the ability to form sentences more than 4 to 6 words. For example; â€Å"I’m goanna throw it really high†, â€Å"There is a wasp in your ear, Can I have friends over later†? He demonstrated the ability to ask â€Å"why†questions. He does not have any speech or grammatical difficulties. He appears to have met all of his developmental milestones for his age. VII. Social Emotional Development: It is quite apparent that T really enjoys imaginative play and is able to accomplish this either with others or by himself. He did not partake in any imaginative play with his sister this time; however did do some imaginative play on his own pretending to be a gymnast who was displaying his talents for a crowd, as he bowed for people when he completed a stunt on the bars or completed a handstand. He also engaged in imaginative play with the family dog pretending she was his dragon. He also is able to talk quietly to himself while playing on his own, but does not seem to be talking to a third person or imaginary friend. VIII. Cognitive Development: T understands the concept of grouping and matching as displayed when he was putting all the same lord sour patch kids together and separating them. He also noted which ones had less in each group than the others. He let those for last. He demonstrated the ability to count from 1 to 10 and demonstrated the ability to identify primary colors. He was able to answer simple questions. He was also able to identify common objects and what they are used for; for example the family dogs ball and scissors. Discussion: Integration of behavior with theory According to Piglet’s Cognitive Development Theory (Beer, 201 0, p. 31 8), both children are in the operational stage (2-7), and they behave normally. They are classified as operational children, because the definition of the operational stage is as follows; ages between 2-7, preschool children use symbols to represent their early sentiments discoveries. The development of language and make-believe play takes place; however, thinking lacks the logic of the two remaining stages. T is a very active child. He has been in pre kindergarten over the last year and has been very socialized between school, extra-curricular activities, playground and playmates with friends. He is on a soccer team as well and enjoys this very much his mother says. T was quite active on the play centre this afternoon, especially on the hanging bars showing off his ability to hang upside down. He also displayed his ability to swing on the swings while standing on the swing instead of sitting on it. He is quite a daring child. He was engaging in make-believe play acting as though he was doing these stunts for an audience as after each stunt he would get up and bow to the imaginary audience. M was happily swinging on the swing set, petting her dog, doing somersaults in the grass and drawing in the mud with a stick. She has the ability to keep herself busy and is happy to do so. She also enjoyed make-believe play with her brother playing a sword fight. Make-believe play increases in sophistication during the pre-school years (Beer, 2010, p. 318). M used her stick as her â€Å"sword†during the sword fight and as her â€Å"magic wand†later on during the observation. This demonstrates her ability to coordinate her make-believe roles and pretend with less realistic toys (Beer, 2010, p. 318). M and T were both using the play center together happily. M fell off her swing and T went up and hit M for no reason and walked over to K, the family dog. T hugs K quite roughly and says â€Å"You’re my mummy bear†and walks away. I have noted on both occasions during these observations that T displays a bit of aggression. According to Freud, play can have a cathartic effect, as children try to rid themselves of traumatic events or negative feelings through play. T asks his mother, â€Å"Mom, do you have to work today? His mother says â€Å"No, not today’. T asks â€Å"Why†? His mother answers, â€Å"Because have the day foot spend time with you and your sister†. T says, â€Å"Okay, I like that†. His language and understanding of language is well formed and has good sentence structure for his stage in development. His has no beech or grammatical issues. He asks â€Å"why†questions and understands the meaning to the answers to simple questions and answers. M told her brother â€Å"l want to be alone†. Her brother did not leave her alone. M turned to him and said, â€Å"l told you, want to be alone†! This demonstrates M’s ability to verbalize her feelings and has a solid awareness of what she is feeling and thinking and is able to share it with others readily. During the sword fight, M said â€Å"you be the sword, I will be the gun†. T did not like this role change and disagreed. M said, â€Å"No! I am the gun, you are the sword†. She continued to e a gun, which seemed to anger T and he started hitting M with his sword. M screamed and T got in trouble with his mother. M was able to assign roles; however was not able to negotiate well, which is usually indicated during the operational stage. On the play center, M was swinging on the swing and T was on the bar hanging upside down beside her. M calls T a â€Å"poppy pants†. T gets off the bar and hits her swing with his sword. M screams. T goes back to the bar. M calls T a â€Å"party pants†. T hits M’s swing with the sword again. M screams again and calls out to her mom. Mom ignores this. M continues to all T a â€Å"party pants†repeatedly. T starts hitting M’s swing again, as M is screaming. This goes on for five minutes (timed). Mom finally tells T to stop and tells him that if he hits her swing one more time, his sword will be taken away. M proceeds to call T a â€Å"party pants†again. T hesitates to do anything and looks over at mom who is ignoring the situation. M continues to taunt T. Finally, T hits M’s swing and M screams. It’s sword is taken away. T asks mom why M is not in trouble for calling him a â€Å"party pants†. Mom does not respond and walks away. M calls T a â€Å"party pants†one last time and leaves the swing. She runs overt mom and gives her a hug and kiss and says â€Å"I love you mommy’. The mother used presentation of punishment to decrease It’s undesirable behavior. The warning and punishment had a positive and negative response. The positive response was that the behavior was stopped. The negative response was that only one undesirable behavior was punished and stopped. When parents treat their children differently by directly varying amounts Of discipline to the two children, sibling relations are likely to be more conflicting and less friendly if children view these differences as unfair, which I believe T did by his reaction. I found this to be concerning, considering It’s amount of aggression he displays in his make-believe play. M also showed a lack of moral reasoning and did not show that she was not aware of It’s feelings. M takes her small Barbie’s out her purse and other figurines and groups all the Barbie’s together and all the figurines together, which displays the ability to draw appropriate inferences about these objects and shows normal categorization, as with the puzzle she was doing with her mother at the table. M and her brother pretend to hit the family dog with their swords and at times actually hit the dog. They also pretend to cut the dog up with their swords. These behaviors demonstrate animistic thinking believing that their inanimate object (sword) has lifelike qualities and intentions. According to Pigged, because young children egocentrically assign human purposes to physical events, magical thinking is common during the preschool years, (Beer, 2010, p. 321). Conclusion I enjoyed observing these children very much. I have watched them grow and change over the last three years. I find M very animated and interesting to observe and find T very in touch with his emotions and struggles with them at times. He is very athletic and determined. The reason I chose the children’s home environment is because I felt their own surroundings would be a good way to see what their normal daily routines would be and to see how they interact with family members. I found the backyard a bit limiting and would not choose this setting again. Even though I did not find it was a great setting, did manage to collect some good data. As a mother and grandmother, I did find it hard sometimes during these observations not to jump in and say something to the mother when she was ignoring certain behaviors or when her children clearly just needed some attention. So it was hard at times not to interact with the children. However, I knew I had to control that urge as my role was to observe nothing more. I have learned how to observe and evaluate a child in the operational stage. I have learned what milestones to look for and where a child between the ages of 2 to 7 should be developmentally. It gave me a better understanding to physically do the exercise rather than just reading a textbook I see the value in observing two different children, as not all children are alike in development and behavior. Ideally, a different setting for each hill would have been preferred; however this family is moving in a week and their home is full of moving boxes, so I settled for the backyard with both children. How to cite Child Observation Report, Essays
Friday, December 6, 2019
Good for You! free essay sample
Describe the house you are living in. Why do you love it? The house we are living in is situated[l] in the suburb[2] of HCM city, within thirty minutes drive off the central city. We have lived there for more than twenty years. This is a fairly large house surrounded with a luxuriant garden. My house consists of four bed-rooms, a living-room, a bathroom with a shower, a dinning-room, a kitchen and a toilet. It is air-conditioned and well-furnished. The living-room is decorated beautifully. Paintings by famous artists are hung on the walls. At night, the color neon lights increase the beauty and coziness of the room. There, on Sundays and holidays my father usually spends his time playing chess or drinking tea with his friends. My mother and my two sisters are diligent and hard- working women. They often keep the house clean and tidy. On suffocating days of summer, we usually take meals in the garden. It is fairly cool and quiet here. We enjoy our meals amid the melodious twitters of birds. On stormy and rainy nights all whole family members gather in the living-room, watching television or telling each other about their daily activities. I love my house very much because it is the place where I was born and have grown p in the education of my father and in the tender loving care of my mother. I have spent my whole childhood in the love and affection of my dear ones with so many sweet memories. v/ Talk about an ideal house At first when I thought of purchasing a house, I wanted one that was neither too far nor too near a town. If it was too far, I may feel lonely and then, there was the question of transport. Finally, I chose an elevated, land enabling easy drainage and firm. The site is spacious allowing ground for the house and a decent big garden. I wanted an elegant look for the house I intended to build. The house has four rooms with a well-furnished kitchen and modern bathroom facilities. The living rooms are comfortable. The furniture has been chosen with great care. The walls have been painted with soft colors to match the curtains, the materials of which had been bought from the best textile manufacturing company. Each room is fitted with a radio so that one can enjoy programs from the bed. The drawing room is elegantly furnished with sofas, chairs and a central table. The walls are lined with built-in cupboards, a library to house well-chosen volumes by master novelists. There is a niche for the television and the room can be used for viewing programs. All the rooms are airy and air-conditioned. stacked neatly away in specially designed cabinets. It is provided with modern gadgets for grinding, pulverizing or cutting. In front of the house there is an artificial pool with a fountain spray. One or two fish tanks are kept in the big porch to add the beauty of the place. There is a garage at the side of the house for my car, cattle and poultry. There I keep a few fowls of the high breed like the white leg horn, Black Monorca, and Rhode Island from which I get a supply of eggs and meat. I have two Jersey cows in the shed which supply the milk for the family. In the backyard there are a few fruit bearing trees. On the margin of the house, there are some coconut trees. In front of the house there are certain bushes of croton and exotic plants. The well-kept lawn with luscious green grass is very pleasing to the eye. There is also a small playground for my children with a swing. I have a couple of chandeliers in the drawing room showing rainbow colored lights whenever light falls on them. I could specially mention the marble Buddha I got from Sian and a bronze Nataraja from India. There are a few selected pictures by masters n gilded frames. Thus I am surrounded by beauty and peace. v/ My perfect house I can now sit back and heave a big sigh of relief. The finished decor of my house is worth every cent of my hard earned money and every unit of my energy. Now, I can simply enjoy the little paradise that I have created. By observing the exterior, one will get the impression of a cottage in the country- side. The stark white color of the house is toned down by the rows of palm trees and shrubs in the front lawn. The multi-colored flowers greet me every morning as I sit on my rocking chair and enjoy the fresh morning air. Within the house, a similar condition prevails. The perpetual open windows allow for healthy ventilation and full view of the serene and beautiful garden. The living room boasts of a dark mahogany sofa set which is complemented by parquet flooring. Just a few meters away, I have created a corner of peace as I call it; and this is for the purpose of relaxation. I have placed a large durable rug, some cushions, some magazines and books for leisure reading and a small, portable radio. Contrary to the condition of informality of the areas I have mentioned, the dining area portrays unmatched grandeur. The entrance to it consists of magnificent rchways and pillars which will remind one of the intricate Roman architecture. The windows are deliberately draped with dramatic purple-colored velvet curtains done up with frills and tassels. To top them all, I have purposely chosen my furniture that beautiful chandelier to brighten up the dining area. This part of my house is the source of my pride especially on occasions when I have to entertain important guests. The kitchen is another place of extreme importance. I have managed to come up with a splendid arrangement of kitchen cabinets, refrigerator and cookers and an undoubtedly perfect color combination. Because this area is where food is prepared, I made sure that I allowed for maximum hygiene. I have my oven and refrigerator built into the cabinet. My cooker is next to the wash basin and my little portable waste basket which comes with tight-fitting lid is directly below it. The kitchen also offers an extended table attached to the cabinet that can be utilized as an informal dining area. The toilets, not to be ignored, have also been scrupulously planned. To with stand continuous splashing of water, I have chosen durable, tinted sliding doors. I have also thrown rubber mats on the floor of the bathroom to prevent accidents uch as slipping while bathing. In short, my relatively small kitchen has great utility value. Finally, I take pleasure in describing the bathrooms which I have enjoyed decorating. The master bedroom has been furnished with a chrome-plated bed that comes with side tables, a made-to-order-wardrobe that has an efficient storage system and a full length mirror to give me the pleasure of looking at myself from head to toe. I have used a range of fabrics from the Laura Ashley collection. The pale, muted blue flowery print blends well with the plain blue textured wallpaper. The bed heets, the curtains and even the cushion covers are of the same Laura Ashley collection. The guestroom, however, makes use of bright yellow as its main hue. There are two single beds separated by a light yellow rug. The beds come with drawers for keeping clothes neat and tidy. The drawers can also be converted into a bed when the need arises. To conclude, I feel proud and happy that I was able to design and decorate my house so well without the expertise and help of professional house renovators. The emergence of my dream house readily gives me the utmost pleasure and satisfaction. Describe your best friend and tell why you like him or her In our daily activities we often get in touch with the others and from these relations we meet some people whose interests, characteristics and behaviors are similar to ours and we choose them as our friends. To me, one of my best friends is Nam. Nam is only over eighteen but he is well developed; so he is thought to be twenty or more. He has black hair, a broad heart and is easy to get on with everybody. We have been friends for a very long time. The deeper[4] our mutual[5] understanding becomes the more we feel closely attached to each other. Birds of a feather flock together, Nam and I are keen on earning. We are the best pupils in our class. Nam is always at the top. He is good at every subject, but he never shows pride in his abilities and always tries to learn harder. Nams family is not rich enough. His parents are retired workers. Realizing the hardships of his parents, although he is absorbed in his study, he often spends most of his spare time doing useful things to help his parents in their old age. He gets up early in the morning to have enough time to deliver newspapers to subscribers before going to school.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Green Building Passive House or Zero Energy Building free essay sample
Green Building: Passive House or Zero Energy Building? The building sector is responsible for a large share of the world’s total energy consumption. It is estimated that built environment contributes around 30-40% of the worldwide energy usage and associated greenhouse gases emission (IEA 2012). â€Å"Green buildings†emerges to minimize the environmental damages caused by the construction and operation of buildings; Passive House and Zero Energy Building are two of them. This essay aims to give a brief introduction of Passive House and Zero Energy Building; and to compare their feasibility in Hong Kong. Passive House and Zero Energy Building are â€Å"Green Houses†designed for minimizing the environmental impact of buildings; they achieve the goal in different ways. Passive House is a building, for which thermal comfort can be achieved solely by post-heating or post-cooling of the fresh air mass, which is required to fulfill sufficient indoor air quality conditions (Feist 2006). With-out active heating and cooling systems such as thermal windows, heat recovery are used such that indoor temperature can be automatically adjusted and thereby reduces the energy consumption of building by 70-90%. We will write a custom essay sample on Green Building: Passive House or Zero Energy Building? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (UNEP 2007, iPHA 2010) Figure 1 Operation of Passive House (Grà ¶ndahl, Gates 2010) Zero Energy Building is a building with greatly reduced energy needs through efficiency gains such that the balance of energy needs can be supplied with renewable technologies (NREL 2006). Energy- efficient technologies and renewable energy systems are installed and energy produced is stored on site (UNEP 2007) so that the operation of building can rely on its self-produced energy. Figure 2 Operation of Zero Energy Building (LaMonica 2009) To assess the feasibility of Passive House and Zero Energy Building to be promoted in Hong Kong, the following are the requirements for comparison: (1) efficiency in energy conservation; (2) adaption to local climate. In terms of the efficiency in energy conservation, Zero Energy Building performs better. A Passive House uses no more than 15kWh per year and square meter of living space (iPHA 2010); while a Zero Energy Building achieves net energy consumption of zero and produces excess electric energy of over 1700 kWh( Rosta, Hurt, Boehm, Hale 2008). Apparently, Zero Energy Building preforms better in conserving energy due to its ability of generating energy on its own, therefore it is more practical to promote Zero Energy Building in Hong Kong. For adaption to local climate, Zero Energy Building is also a more suitable choice for Hong Kong. Passive House’s emphasis on maintaining thermal comfort (iPHA 2010) may not be necessarily suitable for Hong Kong since Hong Kong has an annual range of temperature of 4 °C only. (Hong Kong Observatory 2012) While Zero Energy Building allows different micro-generation technologies to be applied according to local environment; renewable energy system like solar panel (UNEP 2007) is suitable for buildings in Hong Kong due to the abundant sunlight there. In short, since Zero Energy Building can adapt to Hong Kong climate better, it is more feasible to be promoted in Hong Kong.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Negotiation of Gender Identity
Negotiation of Gender Identity The negotiation of gender identity is an issue that has raised a lot of mayhem at the workplaces. This paper will outline the issue by critically analyzing the GI Jane movie. The movie, GI Jane, is a fictional artwork whose plot revolves around the first woman to undertake sea training in the United States Navy Special Welfare Group. It is ironical that the lead actress, Demi Moore, who plays Jordan O’Neill in this male dominated film, is a woman.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Negotiation of Gender Identity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The main actress is striving to be treated equally as her male counterparts in the training. She even goes to the extent of sharing the same sleeping place with her male colleagues. All the things she does throughout the movie are intended to bring equal treatment for both sexes. The main actress wants to prove to other actors that even women are capable of handling the du ties perceived as men’s. This paper uses the movie to outline the ways through which gender bias can be eliminated. This female subject becomes the lead character of this movie and behaves as if she was equal to the other male trainees. Despite the rigorous procedure used for recruiting the naval officers and the enlisted personnel, she is able to sail through and impress the panelists. Despite the numerous barriers the main lead actress encounters during the training, she doesn’t give up on the training. The O’Neill lives by the same principles, upholds the same values and lives in the same quarters as them. In fact, as a result of the lead’s actress’ box of tampons, one of the male trainees was so terrorized by her sharing the same sleeping place with them. Although she portrays to be as strong as men in this challenging training, she almost gives in to a sexual relationship with her lead training instructor, Master Chief. Such relationships are some of the factors, which interfere with the efforts of the lead actress to fight for equality. Women are most often discriminated or exempted from certain jobs or activities. Such jobs, which involves a lot of risks are said to belong to men (Inness 54). In the movie, Jordan who is the main character gets into training in the Seals Otters. It has never occurred before that a woman can undergo such rigorous training. Even though there are thousands of women serving in the navy, it is still regarded by majority as a men’s career. The fact that Jordan plays a major role in the movie is a clear indication that even women can be as strong as men in any given career (Zeigler and Gunderson 72). The masculine characters are portrayed in a manner that looks down upon women especially in the military. The fact that Master Chief develops intimate feelings for Jordan indicates that there some men who still view the women as sexual objects. In the United States the attempt to review the law in order to incorporate female characters in the military service has been thwarted by the male chauvinists.Advertising Looking for essay on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In most cases, the party that is interested in upholding gender-based discrimination must prove that such a move meets or helps in achieving important governmental objectives (Zeigler and Gunderson 70). Irrespective of the ability of women to perform certain duties such as service in the military, they cannot be integrated into it just because of their gender (Zeigler and Gunderson 73). There have been campaigns in various organizations and governmental agencies to allow equality of gender in the work place. Women want to be included in every sector of leadership and governance. â€Å"While change may come slowly, as women continue to gain inclusion in all spheres of the civilian world, they will eventually do so in the servi ces as well.†(Zeigler and Gunderson 73, Para. 2). This shows the determination and zeal that the women activists have in ensuring equality in jobs (Zeigler and Gunderson 73). In GI Jane movie, there is a concern that the services of men in the military will be compromised due to mistreatment of women. The point is proved right when a male colleague, who is a leader of the seal squad, helps Jordan in some of the difficulties she encounters. She was expected to handle herself, and she is also assaulted sexually before her teammates during sere training. This is aimed at making them reveal their information to the enemy in defense of the female squad member. This indicates that the presence of female members in a military squad can jeopardize their missions. This is also another discrimination criteria portrayed in the movie (Zeigler and Gunderson 73). In the contemporary society, it is reported that quite a number of leaders and Presidents have plunged their countries with a pe rspective that they are defending the manhood of their countries. A nation that accepts bloodshed as the last horror has lost what is regarded as its manhood. This was a declaration after the World War 1. After this, so many wars that took place were in defense of the nation’s manhood. The Vietnam War, the gulf war were paradigms of manhood. President Ronald Reagan, because he wanted America to display firmness of manhood, intervened in Nicaragua. Men’s work is regarded as real while that of women is an insult. Therefore, no leader or ruler wants to associate his country with feminism (Zeigler and Gunderson 74). The GI Jane movie depicts a woman character that is willing to sacrifice a lot in order to be accepted into the military, it is a portrayal of masculinization of a female person. At the onset, it is said that â€Å"Demi Moore Takes It like a Man†(Brown 49, Para. 2). This is an indication of women not being in a position to carry out some tasks as they a re. They have to live behind their womanhood and do it as men do.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Negotiation of Gender Identity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This means that if they face the situation as women, then the possibility of completing the task effectively is very low. She loses part of her womanhood in the training and adapts men’s masculine nature. She cuts her hair short and her training routine makes her to lose period. Her body too becomes more masculine like those of men (Brown 49). In adapting and changing into masculinity, Jordan eventually becomes the most respectable member of the seal. She does it better than all her colleagues by displaying spectacular skills in rescuing her boss. After rescuing her commanding officer, she then proceeds and delivers the whole platoon. This is a display of the ability of women having equal or even better chance of competing in anything. She can attain all the heights in life if she dedicates time and energy. However, this does not come for free for she has to sacrifice a part of her womanhood in order to achieve her goals (Inness 56). The master chief of the group mistreats her in order to discourage her from continuing in the military. He employs all the cruelty skills earned from training on her. Nevertheless, the determination of Jordan becoming the first military navy woman could not fade off. Even when she had been brutally beaten by her boss with the perspective of intimidating her, she retaliates at him with insults of â€Å"suck my dick.†She receives applause from the fellow compatriots and regains composer and fame. This mistreatment reflects on the contemporary society’s position on women. They are treated as objects for certain specific activities. Any attempt to break lose will result into enduring pain and hardships (Inness 57). Another aspect elaborating gender discrimination is the cold and casual t reatment that Jordan receives from her boyfriend Royce. To him, she has lost her womanhood for military and therefore incomplete as a woman. The way men treat her too at the receptionist, others even whistling at her indicating that she is just a sex object. To them, she is not expected to complete the training. This explains the society’s view of a woman’s position in the community. The community cannot expect a woman to be able to perform rigorous activities that require masculine bodies (Schubart 338).Advertising Looking for essay on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The defiant behavior of Jordan to have sex with men in the seal squad puts her on the spot. Most critics say that her unusual behavior suggests that she might be a lesbian. Together with the other two actors alongside her, the question of womanhood is raised. As usual, it is expected that the ladies cannot afford to stay with men for a long time without having sexual intercourse this shows the society’s position concerning female characters. They are regarded as gullible, fragile and without a firm position in decision making (Cook 183). Just like in most movie and story books, feminism is criticized when it comes to jobs or roles that have been culturally associated with men. It becomes more difficult for the male counterparts to comprehend and accept the challenge offered by women. Without the support of men, women may not fully exploit their potentials in various fields. The western culture has over a long time conflated masculinity. It can redefine any word it finds neces sary in order to emphasize a point against feminism. To some extent, masculinity or masculinities are words that are used in informing intellectual cultures that are not necessary (Eberwein 176). Another degree of gender biasness is found in the American leadership and the government. During the time Patricia Ireland served in the government as an executive vice president of a nationwide organization for women, elaborated a number of things of the government and the constitution. One of them is that combat exclusion only offers protection for men’s jobs. Women are excluded. This means that they can lose their jobs as easily as they are obtained (Zeigler and Gunderson 73). On the other hand, women do not see sex as a deterrent to attaining their goals. It is reported that sex was common during the veteran war just as it was in the desert storm. This does not alter the performance of a lady. It is also noted that gender integrated crews have no and will not combat the readiness and the capabilities of a leader or commandant. Soldiers do make friendship, they do it either way. That means subordinates can have friendship with their bosses and vice versa. However, this does not alter the ability or the inability to perform their duties. One soldier remarked that the military should be able to train its members and avoid dwelling on unnecessary misconduct or relations. These issues are brought down to nature and they are not related to occupation (Zeigler and Gunderson 76). There was another claim that women cannot be able to work in some particular sectors. One of them was firefighting industry. After a close examination and measurement of the upper section of women’s bodies, it was concluded that they are unable to carry other people on their shoulders. However, they were later proved wrong (Zeigler and Gunderson 76). In conclusion, gender biasness discriminating on women is a major concern in today’s society. In the movie GI Jane, the main ch aracter, Jordan is depicted as a woman who acts as a bridge to indicate that, what the society sees as impossibility is made possible through determination. However, gender discrimination is brought out in a more elaborate manner. The fact that her boss mistreats her in order to intimidate her is an indication of gender discrimination. The colleagues also welcome her to the seal squad with a view of a sexual object that has joined the group. Almost every man flirted with her while others were whistling to her. This is the discrimination that has been perpetuated in the society for a long period of time. Brown, Jeffrey A. Dangerous Curves: Action Heroines, Gender, Fetishism, and Popular Culture. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2011. Print. Cook, Bernie. Thelma Louise Live!: The Culture Afterlife of an American Film. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2007. Print. Eberwein, Robert T. The War Film. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers, the State University, 2005. Print. Inness, Sherrie A. Action Chicks: New Images of Tough Women in Popular Culture. New York, NY: Sherrie A. Inness, 2004. Print. Schubart, Rikke. Super Beaches and Action Babes: The Female Hero in Popular Cinema, 1970-2006. Jefferson, NC: Rikke Schubart, 2007. Print. Zeigler, Sara L., and Gregory, G. Gunderson. Moving Beyond G.I. Jane: Women and the U.S. Military. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, Inc, 2005. Print.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Roman Persecutions of Christians Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Roman Persecutions of Christians - Essay Example Many historians are of the opinion, that the Romans believed that the neglect of the old gods who had made Rome strong, was responsible for the disasters that Rome faced. Is it then safe to assume that the persecutions of Christians, stemmed from a distrust of something alien to the Romans, or were there other causes for these persecutions? The persecutions began slowly but after the middle of the third century, were initiated intensively by some of the Roman emperors. In the beginning, these persecutions were generally a result of personal hostilities between people, where the real issues were hidden behind the excuse of their being of a different faith. However, slowly Christians began to be looked upon as people who took part in weird rites, like partaking of Christ’s flesh and blood, that was mistaken for cannibalism. The distrust grew as Christians refused to take part in the pagan rites of sacrifice to Roman gods, and to the emperor who was considered a semi divine being . This was considered an insult to the gods who looked after the well being of the people, and therefore endangered the empire.There were also other reasons why the people considered the Christians unpatriotic. The Romans took pride in their Roman citizenship, while the Christians declared that they were citizens of heaven. They also shrank from obligations of public and military service. However, a closer look at the events that preceded the persecutions, paints a different picture. Persecutions were generally sparked off by certain events that went against an emperor. Is it then possible that periods of crisis like a threatening invasion, or an economic or political instability, were triggers that led to these persecutions? This seems to have been the case in the persecutions that took place when a disastrous fire broke out in Rome during the reign of Nero. The first persecution sanctioned by an emperor was in A.D. 64 by the eccentric emperor Nero. During the early years of Neroâ €™s reign, he was guided by the wisdom of his tutor Seneca and Burrus. By A.D. 62, Burrus died and Seneca retired, after which the wise constraints on Nero’s eccentric character were gone, and Nero was free to indulge himself . The costly war against Parthia and the revolts in Britain had drained the treasury and the Roman empire was in turmoil. Against this background, Nero was more interested in poetry, music and such other pursuits, and surrounded himself with frivolous and riotous companions that offended the public. His extravagances only served to further drain the imperial coffers, and taking advantage of his inattention to affairs of state, rebellions began to erupt. In the midst of these distressing events, Rome suffered the most disastrous fire in its history. Nero had become so unpopular, that people believed he had started the fire in order to be able to rebuild the city in the Greek style that he greatly admired, and also build a new and grand palace for hims elf. Although historians are unanimous in their opinion that Nero gave help to those left homeless in the fire and also rebuilt the city excellently; the rumor that the fire was the act of the self indulgence of the ruthless tyrant Nero, refused to die down. Unable to find other means of convincing his people that he was not responsible for the fire, Nero played on the fears of the people and made scapegoats of the Christians,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Informatics of health care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Informatics of health care - Essay Example -Health initiatives such as WHO Global Observatory, which offered Member States with suitable strategic information and policy on the operational practices and standards pertaining eHealth. World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) has asserted its assurance to offering entree to the world’s health awareness and corresponding telemedicine services. Telemedicine applies in locations of worldwide collaboration in emergency response access and networking among the existing health specialists in order to aid advance quality of life and environmental situations (Scott et al., 2005). Within Europe, e-Health forms a fundamental section of the European Commission e-Europe implementation plan. The plan mainly entails envisage the actual definition of the health data interoperability standards, execution of the prevailing health information networks, e-referral, tele monitoring and telecare. Clinical information system used in the modern healthcare setting has computer-based designs that enable the collection, storage, manipulation, and analysis of clinical information significant in the delivery process. The modern clinical information systems facilitate a coherent availability of clinical data in the repository that store patients record especially illness history and major interactions with the medical care practitioners (Stewart & Catanzaro, 2005). In the clinical information system, the repository are designed to encode information that assist physicians in deciding on how to go about patient’s conditions, wellness activities and treatment options as well as the overall actions undertaken. In addition, other healthcare related information that may assist in performing such activities can also be stored and processed in the system (House of Commons Health Select Committee 2005, p. 2). Clinical information systems have been beneficial in several roles in the healthcare setting such as managerial roles, performing general practitioner delegated tasks,
Monday, November 18, 2019
The topic for your paper will be Baze v Rees, a Supreme Court hearing Term
The topic for your will be Baze v Rees, a Supreme Court hearing on lethal injection. The question for your 3-4 page - Term Paper Example First and foremost, the main argument on the part of the Baze’s lawyers was that sodium thiopental, the first drug to be given, is likely to be injected improperly making the petitioners feel an ominous pain before the final death provoked by the second and the third drugs, pancuronium bromide and potassium chloride (Supreme Court, 2008). It is a precedent to appeal to the 8th Amendment. The idea is that this prescription to the paramount law document of the US judicial system gives ground to consider causing pain as an undemocratic step within the law system and capital punishment at large. Insofar, the 8th Amendment states as follows: â€Å"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted†(U.S. Constitution - Amendment 8, 2010, p. 1). Thus, the Constitution provides a particular background to justify the case of Baze v. Rees. Thus, an unconstitutional administration of lethal injection had become the main thesis by the petitioners – both convicted in double homicide – stating that there is the â€Å"risk that the protocol’s terms might not be properly followed, resulting in significant pain†(Mandery, 2011, p. 483). ... There were different arguments to make such a conclusion. First of all, â€Å"cruel and unusual punishments†are those inflicted for the sake of the punishment and pain, in particular. Thereupon, lethal injection does not presuppose disembowelment, torture, beheading, burning alive or some substantial risk going apart from humane procedures regarding capital punishment. To say more, three justices had a concurrent claim that following the case Gregg v. Georgia, 428 U. S. 153, capital punishment complies with the constitutional norms: â€Å"Because some risk of pain is inherent in even the most humane execution method, if only from the prospect of error in following the required procedure, the Constitution does not demand the avoidance of all risk of pain†(Supreme Court, 2008, p. 1). This is the standpoint supported by the majority of the Court. It makes a strong assumption that has nothing to do with the precedent of Wilkerson v. Utah, 99 U. S. 130 (Supreme Court, 2008 ). Nonetheless, petitioners overall claim of the substantial risk in case of improper following the administration of the lethal injection encountered another counter claim by the Court. In this respect the minimal risk is imposed while mixing the death â€Å"cocktail†, and it is a generally accepted fact which suggests â€Å"manufacturers’ thiopental package insert instructions†to be clear to follow even by a newbie (Supreme Court, 2008). The alternative proposed by the petitioners did not correspond to the humane character of the 8th Amendment. As a matter of fact barbiturate-only protocol used primarily by the veterinarians to put animals to sleep was not acceptable in this respect (Supreme Court, 2008). It would definitely go apart with the federal system of capital
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Influences Of Greek And Roman Theatre
Influences Of Greek And Roman Theatre Desire Under the Elms published in1924 is one of Eugene ONeills American classic plays. This play is written in three parts with each part divided into four scenes. It is based of Greek mythology and Roman tragedy. The setting is farmhouse in New England in 1850s with characters Ephraim Cabot 76 year old father, Simeon and Peter sons of the first wife, Eben son of the second wife, Abbie Putnam 35 year old third wife, young girl, two farmers, the fiddler, a sheriff, and other folk from the neighboring farms. This play portrays many elements of day to day life ambiences passion, betrayal, love, lust, hate, infanticide, tragedy, haunting past, persuasion, and sacrifice for love. Hamlet is a revenge tragedy written in the line of Roman Seneca tragedy. Passion; eroticism; pomposity; persuasiveness; incest; betrayal: partners in sin who go on a redemption, tragic and strong love, forbidden desire, rebellion against a father figure, complex love and hate, sacrifice of a child, the haunting past, determinism of the characters and their inner struggle. The elm serves as a catalyst to sensing, feeling and even seeing that which is not always visible. Elm tree meaning includes strength of will and intuition. During the 18th and 19th centuries, elms were popular as ornamentals by virtue of their rapid growth and variety of foliage and forms. This popularity lasted until World War I when the consequences of hostilities, notably in Germany, and the outbreak of Dutch elm disease saw the elm slide into horticultural decline. Elm wood is valued for its interlocking grain, and consequent resistance to splitting, with significant uses in wheels, chairs and coffins. The wood is also resistant to decay when permanently wet, and hollowed trunks were widely used as water pipes during the medieval period in Europe. Elm trees grow inhardiness zones 2 through 6. Buy an Elm New Horizon tree from Nature Hills Nursery. Elm is thought to be the tree of old Family and family tradition. Elm is often associated with Mother and Earth Goddesses, but it wou ld be completely wrong to say that it represents a female spirit. The main aspect of Elm symbolism is strength; and in that quality it leaves behind even the most powerful trees, such as Oak, Alder or Yew. Elm strength is dark and heavy; it feeds on primary instincts rather than conscious decision. This tree is quite inert and rigid, and its power is not rash; but when Elm gets ready, its strike will completely smash an enemy. Despite such prominent warrior qualities, Elm is not always good in battle. The matter is that this tree has much too passion for classic war activity and in its anger may become totally unmanageable. It personifies a mad berserker, blinded by his rage of blood, who kills everyone on his way, even if it makes no sense. Due to this blindness Elm, though strong and active, is usually not a leader, but a follower (and a very devoted follower!). As appears from the above, Elm is not an easy tree. Nevertheless, it should not be seen as completely evil, and no other tree should either. Some of Elm spiritual qualities are very valuable. For example, rare tree can do better than Elm in defending interests of family or close group. It stands to the last, and will continues to fight even in hopeless situation. Elm loyalty is unquestionable; and it will despise everyone, who shows a sight of weakness or hesitation. Elm is good for any magic workings, which are involving strength; and it also has the ability to add stability and grounding to a spell. Elm does well in dark practices, especially in spells that can bring irreversible material damage. It is known to dull the senses and cause depression or darkness, and is often used in dealing with shadows. Keywords: strength, stability, grounding, foundation, rigid structure, darkness, pressure, blind rage, devotion, loyalty to family, dark passion, fighting to the last. In The monumental tragic consequences of the incest passion that flares between a coquettish, seductive woman and her stepson, and the romantic rhetoric both use while entrapped in their sexual ecstasy. The two infatuated lovers before, while and after they commit the sin of incest, and attempts to measure their romantic rhetoric against such incestuous lust. The two lovers incest takes place in an ominous house teeming with family tensions, intense lust, hatred, and betrayal. In Desire Under the Elms (1924), a domestic peasant tragedy set in New England, Eugene ONeill portrays the grave consequences of the tragic incestuous passion that flares between a coquettish, seductive, young woman and her stepson. Abbie Putnam, a newly widowed young woman and is now old Cabots third wife, is a wicked, lusty, and extremely beautiful woman. ONeill portrays her as a woman who has a captivating and sexy figure full of lust, Abbie is thirty-five, buxom, full of vitality with a sensual face revealing her intense lust, Her round face is pretty, but marred by its rather gross sensuality (Desire Under the Elms 335). Hartman remarks that Abbie embodies the eternal earth spirit in whom all streams of desire converge (361). Abbie is a vivacious woman who lives only on lifes physical level, and once she tries to live on the spiritual level, she destroys others and destroys herself as well. In marrying an old man, the age of her father and maybe against her will, she was plannin g to seize the farmhouse and disinherit her stepsons. It is quite ironical that both Cabot and Eben patronize the same local prostitute. Though Eben hates his father for his immorality and sensuality, he himself is immoral and corrupt. He keeps visiting a whorehouse to sleep with the same prostitute his father sleeps with. He is involved in an incestuous love affair with his stepmother and fathers a son by her, thus disgracing himself and the entire family. Eben even takes after his father in some aspects of his personality. Both are lusty, deceitful, infidel, rash, stubborn, vengeful, and arrogant. Above all they are both the victims of seething animal passions. Their conflict over the possession of both the farm and the mother, the catalyst Abbie, and the incestuous relationship between the son and his stepmother all result in a great tragedy. The stock oedipal conflict between father and son over the possession of the mother runs throughout the course of Desire Under the Elms and takes different shapes, all of which culminate in the tragic destruction of the house and its dwellers. Hartman (1961) views the incestuous love affair that unites Abbie and Eben as a tragic involvement in the mother-image (361). Hartman argues that the oedipal desire for the mother is ruinous, Desire for, and identification with, the mother can cause evil to spread (367). The influence of Greek tragedy on the content of Desire Under the Elms is clearly manifest, however such influence is charged with a mystical view of the forces at work in and through human beings (Gelb 539). In their oedipal complex- based deconstructive analysis of the play script of Desire Under the Elms Murray and Bowman (1987) argue that although the plays locale is quite American, and is spiritually and emotionally tied to the puritan society, it is deeply rooted in structures found in Greek mythology (4). Murray and Bowman maintain that Ebens desire for his stepmother does not subvert his structuring superego and therefore he becomes a victim to his unconscious oedipal complex. the play is not based solely on the Greek Hippolytus myth linking Eben with Hippolytus , Abbie with Phaedra and Cabot with Theseus, but is based on this myth along with the Freudian Oedipus complex and the Nietzschean philosophy (5). Racey classifies Desire Under the Elms as a New England domestic tragedy since the Cabot family is disintegrated in a time and place when family was supposed to be the backbone of love, solidarity and labor (5). According to Racey, The Cabots tragedy is the result of a familial structure that could not sustain their sexual and materialistic desires (5). Despite the fact that Cabot did not commit any horrible sins like those committed by his son Eben and his wife Abbie, Racey argues that Cabot is the tragic hero in the play and its main character (95). Newlyn argues that the mutual physical attraction between the son and his stepmother reflects ONeills heavy reliance on the classical myths of Oedipus and Phaedra as a raw material for his domestic farm tragedy. Cabots tragic flaw that has ultimately lead to his downfall and that of all his family members is his excessive greed for property, hypocrisy, the delusion of his faith and his lust for women. Still he remains the plays only tragic figure. Cabots New England theodicy, as Presley states, gives him a towering tragic stature and an inward reality far greater than that of any other character in the play (27). Like an Aristotelian tragic figure Cabots downfall is the result of his hubris which not only causes his destruction, but also the ruin of the lives of his sons, new wife and even his former dead wives. Cabot, as Presley notes, is materially blessed but morally dissolute, blinded by a cage of greed (25). Ephraim Cabot represents what McVeigh (1990) calls the archetype of the senex amans or ridiculous old lover figure of Roman comedy (qtd. in Saur 106). Miller (1965) states that It is Ephraims self-delusions that drive his family each to their tragic ends ONeills prolix language and describes it as a vehicle for enveloping the extravagant plots and psychological formalism that owed much to Greek drama (22), and Cohn asserts that ONeill was the first American playwright whose dialogue gave his audience a feeling of observed life rather than books read as a result of committing the horrible crimes of incest and infanticide Eben and Abbie will live forever as sexual and social outcasts. They will never be respected in the community where they live, and they will always live under the curse of the crimes they committed, for evil means and deeds always result in evil ends. It is ironical that Abbie in killing the child was thinking that she, as Ditsky puts it, was sacrificing a future generation to ensure the present sensual enjoyment with her lover (qtd. in Hays 436). To prove her genuine love for Eben and to enjoy his crimson love, Abbie murdered the child. However, she did not know that in killing the child, she would be sent to jail, and would therefore no more enjoy her present love. It is also ironical on the part of Eben when he sacrifices his own youth which he would spend in prison for Abbie mistakenly believing that in sharing the guilt with her, he would join her in prison. He failed to realize that both would be sent to different prisons and might both be hanged. Their sacrifice is hopeless and their crimes are so tragic and beyond repentance. Greek tragedy by utilizing Freudian and Jungian psychology mixing them with some elements of Greek and American mythology. love and hatred, attraction and repulsion, desire and murder, incest and faith, and softness and hardness. The two elm trees resemble evil that is haunting the Cabots homestead, and they suggest the likelihood of the coming misfortune. Evil haunts the Cabots farmhouse and tempts its dwellers to commit dreadful sins. Cabot is a sinner and though he keeps praying for God to cruse his disobedient sons, he himself is an unbeliever. The Cabots feel the presence of an evil spirit in the house, but fail to understand the mysterious nature of such a spirit. They fail to unravel the mystery that drives them to their ominous ends. Cabot can feel the curse, but does not know what it is and why it is permeating the farmhouse. Even during the merry making scene, he can feel the presence of evil dominating the entire house. Desire is part of nature which is portrayed as an abiding absolute throughout the play (Carpenter 109).The play abounds with references to nature, and the characters express their admiration of nature on several occasions. The Cabots farmhouse is towered by two elm trees that reflect the image of Ebens dead mother and the entire protective feminine spirit that hovers over and redeems the Cabot farm from its hard masculine rocks (Going 386). In this context, desire, the mother and nature are seen as one entity reflecting the three constituent elements collectively. New England was far from being stereotyped as the new Eden for the puritans, but rather it was disapprovingly depicted as a land of hypocritical faith and greed for property.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Televised Executions Essay -- Ethical Issues, Death Penalty
In recent years, more and more people have become aware of crime and murder. It is something that has affected them, their families and neighborhoods. Just about everyone in the world knows someone who has become a victim of murder, rape, and or robbery. In most cases the suspects are heartless and have no remorse in regards to the crime they committed. Some individuals are repeat offenders who have received a slap on the wrist from the justice system or only faced small jail time. A recent report by the Senate judiciary Committee, called America the "most violent and self-destructive nation on earth", and it was noted that violent crime in America had increased by 516% since 1960 (Economist, 1992). Many individuals have tried to come up with solutions and scare tactics attempting to deter those who commit crime. It appears that solutions are failing. One author has his own theory of deterrence. George Bryjak the author of â€Å"Why we should all watch Executions†believes that if the justice system televised executions to the public, this would deter individuals from committing crimes. Bryjak stresses his point saying: â€Å"deterrence relies on theory that people will refrain from participating in homicide or crime if they perceive the threat of swift and certain punishment, the death penalty could be made a more effective deterrent if executions were televised and reached a larger audience on a regular basis†(Bryjak, 2001). Bryjak appeals to readers in a serious tone and makes very valid points for his reasoning. Bryjak’s thus fails to provide sufficient evidence on some of his reasoning to convince readers on his position. In the article, Bryjak reaches the heart of his readers by reminding them of the man wh... ...e author doesn’t convince readers by simply saying â€Å"executions should be public spectacles†that this would deter crime. The author even presents credible evidence from those who oppose; Bryjak even agrees they make his position look bad. The author doesn’t refute that people are going to commit crimes regardless if they watch someone get executed or not. Research shows individuals are threatened everyday with the consequences they can face for disobeying the law, yet there still appears to be an increase in crime and violence. Many that commit crimes are aware of the possibility of receiving the death penalty if sentenced, however many individuals still continue to commit acts of murder. The article is entitled â€Å"Why we all should watch executions†and I don’t think Bryjak persuaded readers on why they should watch but more so on why there should be executions.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Alcoholic Beverage
It is powerful and addictive this liquid is taken orally and often consumed in bundant quantities. Surveys say that adolescents and young adults are likely to drink. There are three basic types of alcoholic drinks are: Beer, Wine, Spirit. Their difference is what each is made of and percentage of alcohol content. Beer is made from fermented grains and has 3 to 6 percent of alcohol content while is made from fermented fruits and have alcohol content of 11 to 14 percent. Spirits are made from fermented distilling products. It usually contains 40-50 percent of alcohol.American Council Education says 12 ounce glass of beer, 5 ounces of wine and 1. 5 ounce shots f spirits contains the same amount of alcohol. Beer, wine and spirit have the same potential for intoxication and addiction. When a person consumes alcohol the drug acts on nerve cells deep in the brain. These are the well known signs that a person is drunk: the smell of alcohol on breath, irritability, loss of physical coordinati on, violent behaviour, loss of balance, incoherent speech, loss of consciousness, slowed thinking, blackouts, and Euphoria, an extreme happiness.According to the American Psychiatric Association, (1994) that alcohol use is continued despite knowledge of aving a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by alcohol. Frequent binge drinking or getting severely drunk more than twice is classed as alcohol misuse. According to research done through international surveys, the heaviest drinkers happen to be the United Kingdom's adolescent generation. Alcohol abuse affects about 10% of women and 20% of men in the United States, most beginning by their mid-teens.In Antipolo City, Philippines, many teenagers are now facing the problems of being addicted to alcoholic beverages. One major cause is depression and family problems. Teenagers who are facing this kind of problem suffer in terms of heath like disorders in their eating h abits. Other illnesses and diseases which they may have are liver cancer, migraines, and various sicknesses associated with their physiques. Where an alcoholic has experienced a sense of withdrawal in the same time period. According to http://www. sciencedaily. com/articles /a/alcoholism. tm alcoholism is the consumption of preoccupation with alcoholic beverage to the extent that this behaviour interferes. The chronic alcohol caused by alcoholism can result in sychological or physiological disorder. It is also called world's mostly drug use problems. Alcoholism is often progressive diseases says Ehrlich (2011). A person who is alcoholic typically craves for alcohol and drink and increases his tolerance for alcohol stated by Stoppler (2011) For this reason according to Langham (2010) they are causes of teen alcoholism depend on genetics and life experienced.Teens begin drinking before the age 15 according to Butler (2006) are more likely to develop a dependency on alcohol than those who begin drinking 21 years old. According to Langham (2010) following reason of alcoholism in teens is: Genetics or Family History, meaning a teenager comes from families who its family members are addictive in or emotional abuse in home but also in school. Another basis of alcoholism in teens is peer pressure, teens experience this kind of reason when a teenager feels that she or he is not accepted because there is something wrong to his or her personality or maybe he or she becomes alcoholic because of friends.Lack of parental support is one of the sources, teenager who regularly experiences this kind of trait is a person ho regularly experience harsh discipline, criticism, hostility and rejection of his or her parents and the foremost reason of alcoholism in teens is depression, a teenager convince himself or herself that alcohol will take away his or her sadness and make her feel better stated by Boyles (2012).If its so, this causes may lead to some teenagers in different dange rous effect like: decreasing of paying attention, difficulties in memory, drunk driving, suicide attempt, engaged in sexual activity , poor hygiene, breaking curfews, Hiding in their room, becoming verbally or physically busive toward others according to Palmera (2009)To understand teenagers. Parekh (2009) says that parents seek for understanding; they must always use the open communication for teens. To care by letting them be who they are, gaining the trust of the adolescent.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Ways To Avoid Plagiarism In Academic Papers
Ways To Avoid Plagiarism In Academic Papers Today, when the Internet is rich with all kinds of data, its extremely easy to find content for most academic papers. Thats awesome, but its not always that simple to use information from the net in your paper same time avoiding plagiarism. But you still can do it simply following some easy steps while writing your academic paper so that it will be 100% unique. Paraphrasing When you need to write an academic paper on the specific subject, the first thing to do is to find as much information as you can. Next, you need to read the material and write it in your own words. Make sure you dont copy more than 3 words in a row from the other text you have found online. If you want to literally use the same words (more than 3 words one after another), you should use quotation marks. The right use of quoting will be explained more properly further as the text goes. Citing Citing can be a very effective way to make your paper original. When you are completing some academic assignment, you should just go through the paper formatting guidelines (i.e. MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) that your university uses or other institution that issued the request for a research. Citing usually entails the addition of information about the author(s) and the publishing date or other things like that. When it comes to web content, citing quotes usually engages the extension of a page number or the paragraph number. Its really that simple. However, make sure to do it properly. Quoting Now we are back to quoting. So, when quoting some other writer, you need to use the quote exactly the way it presents in an original document. Nobody wants to be wrong cited. Still, most universities hate to see quotations with 30 words or more as every student should be competent to adequately paraphrase most works. Sure, this technique is time-consuming, but such effort will pay off with a high grade! Be sure your quotation is not too long and one more thing, make certain to do quoting right to avoid plagiarism accusation. Citing Your Own Content If you are writing an academic paper and need to use some of the content from your previous papers, you need to cite yourself. So, treat the content the same as you tend to do with someone elses writing. It might sound strange, but if you use the same text you have used before that will be characterized as self-plagiarism, and thats not admissible. Referencing Its important to include a reference page that has works presented at the end of your academic paper. Just like for citing, this page must meet the standards for paper formatting of your university. That information must be very explicit and to include all important information. If you want to avoid plagiarism, you should go through the directions on this page very carefully. Checking Edit your academic paper faithfully and look for plagiarism before you turn it to your professor. The steps mentioned here before are crucial for academic paper writing. Also, you should consider using plagiarism detection services such as WriteCheck. It can be a good way to check your paraphrasing and other skills from this article. Likewise, most educators and universities use the some kind of plagiarism checkers to assess students papers. So, dont take the chance of submitting your work before checking it first. Plagiarism may cause you severe problems with your academic degree or even career troubles in the future. If you need expert advice while checking your paper, or if you are not sure what to include in your work, consider asking for help from Essay Writing Place. Our professional writers are ready to help with any college assignment. We want to share our knowledge, skills and experience and assist students when they need it. Well gladly help with preparing a reference list, quoting sources, editing paper or any other problem that may appear in the process of writing. If you feel that you cant cope with the task yourself, let us help you!
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Should Parents have access to their Childrens Academic Reco essays
Should Parents have access to their Childrens Academic Reco essays I would not support a law that allowed parents to have complete access to their childrens academic records. College students are adults who need there privacy. They need to feel independence. Allowing parents access to their records would put pressure on the students to pass. College students need their privacy, and parents have no intent rights to access or inspect their son or daughters education records unless the student is under the age of 18 years of age. If the student is over the age of 18 years old record maybe released to parents only if they have been given a written released by the student. The only way a parent can access the record is if a crisis or emergency situation, an education institution may release that information if the institution determines that the information is "necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or the individuals." Independence is about freedom and doing things on your own. It builds confidence to know that we can deal with problems and make decisions without the support of others. But that doesn't mean that we should reject the support of others, its just a step of being independence. I think as a college student we need to be independence, try to handle things on our own, make mistakes and dealing with problems that our parents would face. Has an independence student I think it build our confidence, motivated us, and get us prepare for the future. In conclusion after reading and writing I still do not support a law that allows parents access to their childrens academic records. Students need to feel independence, free and should be able to make decisions on their own. Its a time for them to make there and learn from their own mistakes. ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Unit 7 Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Unit 7 Assignment - Essay Example Given that the society consists of people who can afford to purchase drugs at high prices and others do not have the capacity, it should not impose limits on pricing. It should allow the practice of price discrimination, so as to ensure those with financial difficulties access the drugs at a fair price. More to these, it should encourage public subsidies to enhance access to critical care, as well as conform to its moral obligation to its citizens. In addition to this, limiting prices would result in low volumes of production in the industry, thus making it inefficient (Reinhardt, 2001). The government should not impose limits on the amounts purchased as it cannot control the illness of its people. Most elderly citizens in the country have chronic ailments; hence limiting the amounts to be purchased would interfere with their medication process. More to these, the rest of the population faces a range of diseases, which require unlimited access to medication for their recovery. Therefore, such limits should be discouraged as they can reduce the life expectancy of the population, thus hinder their contribution to the growth of the economy as their productivity level decreases (Kleinke, 2001). These financial figures give the incomes and expenses of the three hospitals. The expenses of the hospital are quite high, making two of the hospitals operate at loses. This follows the 1.0 income expenses ratio, which shows that the hospitals incur huge expenses to operate. Most of the expenses relate to the programs of the hospitals, which mean that the health conditions of the people visiting the hospitals are critical. Watuaga medical center, for example, spends 92% on expenses related to the health, while Ashe uses 81% of its expenses to finance such costs. Ashe memorial hospital manages to earn an annual profit. Consequent to this, the hospital has the capacity to set aside a substantial amount of the profit, and invest it in promoting
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Summary and conclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Summary and conclusion - Essay Example Investigations need to be carried out in order to create a pollution free shed. Urban stream parameters of shed need to be investigated as well. Major reasons that these investigations should be carried out are to identify the presence of heavy metals in the shed and to make sure that they stay in required limits or steps taken if their quantity increases. Investigations should also be carried out on shed’s river basin to ascertain its water quality and to render it fit for use or otherwise. Industrial wastes, use of land for ecological contamination and mixing of shed’s water with wastes are the reasons behind these investigations too. Three groups were established for the purpose of investigation. Each group was assigned to analyze the water shed for three different types of contaminants namely heavy metals, Nutrients and the third group would conduct a site survey. The presence and quantity of heavy metals such as Alkalinity and chromium etc. and nutrients such as ni trates and phosphates etc was to be ascertained by the groups. Site survey group was supposed to analyze water for turbidity, ammonia and chlorine etc. Samples were taken and sent to lab tests specific for each of the analyte performed. The results were recorded in PPM i.e. parts per million. The sample turning Pink, Dark pink and Dark blue indicated the presence of Alkalinity, Chromium and Copper. For nutrients, A dark blue color indicated phosphates, Dark pink color indicated excessive amounts of nitrates and an orange color of the sample indicated the presence of dissolved oxygen the presence of which is considered very crucial for aquatic life and its sustainability. The tests that were conducted by the Site Survey group indicated the presence of contaminants as follows: A dark pink color indicated excessive chlorine in water although chlorine is usually not present in fresh water. Light green to dark blue color indicated the presence of Ammonia in quantities from less to excess ive and turbity was identified by the level of clouding present in the sample tubes. When compared, the results of the two samples taken from South Platte and Cherry Creek came out relatively different. Both the samples had good quantities of dissolved Oxygen although their values differ due to the location of the samples taken from. Another important factor that stood in the results was the dangerous levels of nitrates found in certain areas of the river basin and shed making the water unsafe for use in those areas. Alkalinity was consistent in shed as well as the areas of river basin. Hardness also varied in different areas but it is of not much concern as hard water has been acclaimed fit for use due to the presence of minerals and nutrients in it which are rather healthy. Turbidity in those areas was also found to be varying. All these contaminants varying in their actual quantities giving varying results is supposed to be different nature of water and soil in the areas from whe re these samples were taken. As the composition of the soil underneath changes with area, there is a very strong chance that the constituents, alkalinity and hardness of water might also change in that area. Also, different contaminants entered the stream at different levels such as industrial waste and ecological contamination. It may also affect the constituency of water and make it more or less harmful. Good levels of dissolved oxygen found in the water made it fit for the aquatic life to survive but at the same time increased quantities of
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Human Resource Management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Human Resource Management - Term Paper Example Recommending a termination would for instance require a replacement and this means a costly recruitment process. It would also have financial repercussions, would affect other employees in the region and ultimately the company’s culture. It is therefore a particularly difficult decision to make but then a decision must be reached and one that serves the best interests of the business. It must be just and sufficient considering employment and labour laws. Gordo has been tolerated for a very long time and for this reason his behaviour has continued to determinate up the current level where he appears not to uphold company values any more. Considering the company’s PCP, Gordo’s unpleasant behaviour has already been discussed verbally in his presence and a written warning issued but he did not show any significant effort to turn things around. He appeared to continue with a careless attitude and would always give reasons for his financial underperformance hence a probation was necessary. Probation would also serve as a good notice to him that the company is concerned with his performance and therefore requires of him to improve or face dismissal. The situation got worse with the latest discovery touching on lack of professionalism. He has lost two important accounts; this has significant implications to the market share, business and growth and financial performance of the company. There have also been cases of customer complains on his conduct. He fails to respond to customer calls and more importantly a physician complained that he had attempted to convert what was company business to his personal business. Gordo now has the courage to discourage a customer against the company and offer to repair their machine at a cheaper price if paid in cash. This has actually crossed the lines in terms of professional conduct; such behaviour can never be allowed by any company
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Solid and Melting Point Essay Example for Free
Solid and Melting Point Essay (2pts) Indicate the correct waste container for the following compounds: a. hexane non-halogenated organic b. 10% NaOH aqueous c. methylene chloride (dichloromethane) halogenated organic d. magnesium sulfate solid e. sodium hypochlorite halogenated organic 2. (1pt) Describe the proper way to separate ground glass joints if they become stuck. The proper way to separate ground glass joints is to hold the two pieces of glassware with paper towels so that your hands are touching as close to the joint as possible and pull with a firm grip. Try to loosen with a slight twisting motion. If that does not work try to tap with a wooden handle and try to pull apart. Lastly you can heat the joint with hot water or steam bath, but to be careful not to over heat. 3. (1pt) What is a solute? What is a solvent? A solute is the solid that is dissolved in a liquid. The solvent is the liquid in which something is dissolved. 4. (1pt) What is the purpose of a water trap (used during vacuum filtration)? The purpose of a water trap is to prevent filtrate from being sucked into the vacuum system. 5. (2pts) What is the difference between crystallization and precipitation of a product? List three differences. Crystallization forms crystalline solids while precipitation produces amorphous solids. Crystallization is slow and a pure compound comes out of solution and precipitation is fast and a mixture of compounds falls out of solution. Crystals have an ordered structure than amorphous solids and are harder to produce. 6. (1pt) What will happen if you choose a solvent whose boiling point is higher than the melting point of the compound to be crystallized? The solvent would boil out before the compound could melt. 7. (1pt) How does the melting point of a product help determine its purity? The purer the material the higher its melting point and the narrower its melting point range is. The range should fall in to the melting point range of what the substance you are determining its purity for. 8. (1pt) Generally describe how to predict solubility. Like dissolves like. The solvent/solute molecules are structurally similar so the solute will dissolve in the solvent.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Legalization Of Marijuana For Medicinal Purposes Health Essay
The Legalization Of Marijuana For Medicinal Purposes Health Essay The legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes has become an increasingly controversial topic, with many different issues on which people have many different opinions. There is opposition to the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes because it has the potential to be used incorrectly, however it is also considered that there is the potential for marijuana to be used in relieving the suffering of many seriously ill patients. Marijuana has been used by people for thousands of years to provide relief from many different serious medical problems. There are many doctors who currently support the effectiveness of using marijuana as treatment for various medical conditions. The many people who are suffering from cancer, multiple sclerosis, and AIDS have found that marijuana can be a very effective pain and symptom reliever.  The legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes is viewed by its opposers as one of the worst things that we could do. Their reasons are that they feel that marijuana should not be legalized for medical use because it is an illegal substance and until that is changed, prescribing it is against the law. Attorney General Janet Reno announced that physicians in any state who prescribe the drug could lose the privilege of writing prescriptions, be excluded from medicare and Medicaid reimbursements, and even be prosecuted for a federal crime (Kassier 1). Government officials such as Janet Reno are not the only ones to object to the legalization of marijuana. Many parents groups like Mothers Against Drunk Drivers object to the legalization of marijuana for medical uses. Their objections come from a reasonable concern that there has been an increase in the use of marijuana by youth. Their concern is expanded since the marijuana of today is much more potent than the marijuana of a few decades ago. The potential for these teens to obtain the drug would increase. Also, the Federal Health and Drug enforcement officials feel tha t by legalizing marijuana, they would be sending the wrong message to young people (Your Health 1). Strong evidence that shows that regular use of marijuana for long periods of time could cause severe lung damage (Your Health 3). If the use of marijuana could damage a patients lungs, then the risk could outweigh the benefit. Marijuana smoke can be twice as toxic as tobacco smoke to a human lung. The strongest point that many make opposing the legalization of marijuana is that there just is no clear evidence that smoking marijuana can help an individual who is ill (Marijuana for the Sick 2). Countless amounts of research has been done but both sides have countered each other with facts and studies. What are the benefits and what are the clear cut negatives? The concept of using marijuana for medical use is nothing new. Marijuana is one of the oldest drugs known to man, the use of it has been documented as far back as 2700 B.C. in a Chinese manuscript. The Chinese would injest or inhale the Marijuana and feel pain relief for headaches and small aches and pains (Marijuana 1). The Chinese spread the concept over time, and while it never began a popular drug in most other societies, it still existed and was a common pain reliever. In 1839, a respected member of the Royal Academy of Science, Dr. W. B. OShaugnessy, was one of the first in the medical profession, who presented positive facts dealing with marijuana and medicine (History in Brief 3). His work helped open up the medical world to marijunas medical usees. The drug itself was not used as a popular recreational drug at the time and for this reason few saw a problem with using it for medical purposes. From 1840 to 1900, more than one hundred articles by American and European medical j ournals were published that showed the therapeutic uses of marijuana (Bakalar 2). Marijuana was recommended to stimulate appetites, and relax muscles, so if marijuana was effective in treating those ailments during this time period. Its defenders point out that the drug was praised by the patients and doctors alike. In 1988, Judge Francis Young, an examiner on administrative issues for the Drug Enforcement Agency, recommended that marijuana be reclassified for medical use, because the current acceptance of marijuana is present if a respectable minority of doctors support it. (A Doctors Report 1). The same Journal of the American Medical Association article, pointed out that even though the medical history of marijuana is five thousand years old, it has almost all been forgotten. Marijuana has already been legalized for medical use by both California and Arizona. In order to be passed, these laws required a majority vote by the public and by Congress that favored the legalization of marijuana. In 1991, eighty percent of the San Francisco voters approved of legalizing marijuana, and seventy-seven percent of Santa Cruz voters also agreed (History of Medical Marijuana 1). Since these laws were passed, there is proof of support for the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes. California and Arizona may be the only states that have legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes, but they are not the only states that have considered the legalization of medicinal marijuana. Massachusetts, had previously passed laws that permitted their citizens to use marijuana for medical purposes under some circumstances (Reefer Madness 2). Many states have passed laws that lessen the prosecution of those doctors who prescribe marijuana (Federal Foolishness and Marijuana 2). There have also been many polls showing that the public favors the use of marijuana for medical purposes (Reefer Madness 2). With all of this support for legalizing marijuana, it is only a matter of time before the prosecution of doctors for prescribing marijuana and patients for using marijuana as medicine ceases. Another powerful supporting factor for the legalization of marijuana is the endorsement of physicians. During a random survey of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, one thousand thirty-five members responded with surprising results (A Doctors Report 1). Almost half of the doctors said that they would prescribe marijuana if it were legal, and forty-four percent of them said that they had already recommended it to a patient (A Doctors Report 1). If there are doctors who are recommending marijuana, even at the risk of prosecution, it is obvious that they strongly believe that it can be very useful in the treatment of their patients. In addition, almost two thirds of the doctors also agreed that marijuana was an effective anti-emetic (A Doctors Report 1). This is important because of the life-threatening dehydration that can accompany emesis, which is usually known as vomiting. Doctors are allowed to prescribe narcotics for pain relief, such as morphine a! nd meperdine, which have been known to cause death during overdose, yet they are not allowed to prescribe marijuana as a medicine, even though marijuana has never been known to kill anyone (Federal Foolishness 2). Scientists have discovered that the reason that marijuana is so effective in treating many of the symptoms of the terminally ill is because of a chemical called THC, which is the main active ingredient in marijuana. Even though science has found a way to make a synthetic THC, marketed as Marinol (Lost in the Weed 1), it is extremely expensive, and it does seem to cause higher levels of depression and anxiety (Lost in the Weed 1). Other side effects of the synthetic THC are extreme dizziness and unsteady gait (Your Health 3). These side effects alone may be difficult to deal with, but many of these patients are already dealing with harmful side effects from the medicines they are taking for the treatment of their illness. They should not have to take a pill that is supposed to relieve them of side effects that causes additional side effects. Another negative aspect of Marinol that is experienced by patients and documented by doctors is that the synthetic THC, and! the THC from marijuana react differently in the body. There is also a convincing body of research, some of it now two decades old, shows that smoked marijuana suppresses nausea better than Marinol pills and with fewer side effects. (Your Health 3). Also, many patients are combatting nausea and vomiting, and it can be difficult for them to keep the expensive Marinol pill down (Medical Marijuana Debate Moving Toward Closure 3). If terminally ill patients have tried many different treatments, which have not been successful, and find that smoking marijuana helps them with their symptoms, with fewer side effects, and less expensively, then the patients should legally be able to have the option to make that choice. Cancer patients have found marijuana to be very effective in treating the side effects of chemotherapy. In an article in Time, Marijuana: Where Theres Smoke, Theres Fire, cancer patient Jo Daly, has described her experience with chemotherapy as a nuclear implosion of nausea. She went on to discuss feeling a burning pain under the nails of her fingers and toes. After she had tried many different alternatives to relieve her pain, she tried marijuana which seemed to be the only drug effective in relieving her pain. Jo Daly is not the only one to find marijuana effective in relieving the discomforts of chemotherapy. During the late seventies, and mid-eighties, six states performed research on how well marijuana operated on combatting chemotherapy related nausea and vomiting (Medical use of Marijuana 2). Their studies concluded that marijuana an extremely effective way to deal with the side effects of chemotherapy (Medical use of Marijuana 2). Prevention and con! trol of nausea and vomiting is paramount in the treatment of cancer patients (Information for Physicians 1). The reason that nausea and vomiting needs to be controlled is that, These can result in serious metabolic derangements, nutritional depletion, deterioration of a patients physical and mental status, withdrawal from potentially useful and curative antineoplastic treatment, and degeneration of self-care and functional ability. (Information for Physicians 1). For cancer patients it is very important to control their nausea and vomiting and marijuana seems to be able to accomplish this. It seems reasonable to allow patients the option and make medical marijuana available for their use. Another disease that marijuana seems to be useful in pain relief is multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is a painful central nervous disease for which there is no known cure. The most common complaint of multiple sclerosis patients is the pain of powerful muscle spasms, vertigo, and double vision, all of which can make life nearly unbearable (A Daughters Pain 1). There are some patients who say that marijuana can help in relieving them of these symptoms (A Daughters Pain 1). Even though there are existing medications offered to treat multiple sclerosis, many choose marijuana to relieve them of their suffering (A Daughters Pain 1). The reason for this is that other medications often result in severe side effects, that marijuana does not seem to have (A Daughters Pain 1). There is no documentation of this because there have been no controlled clinical trials that have compared marijuana with existing legal drugs (Your Health 3). There is proof, however, in! the fact that many patients choose to purchase marijuana to relieve their pain at any cost. Some patients are even willing to go to jail to get their marijuana, because for them, it is the only thing that proves to be effective (Federal Foolishness and Marijuana 1). Marijuana has also been found useful for treating patients with AIDS. It seems that marijuana can positively help AIDS patients in several ways. Some ways that marijuana can help is by relieving stress and depression, eliminating nausea, reducing pain, and fighting the AIDS wasting syndrome by enhancing the appetite (Stop Using Patients as Pawns!!! 1). Even though there are many treatments, AIDS patients who are in the final stages of the disease still suffer greatly. The legal options for these AIDS patients are the human growth hormone, another type of hormone called Megace, and the synthetic THC pill, Marinol (Your Health 3). These are the only FDA approved drugs for treating AIDS wasting syndrome, but some patients say that these are not adequate substitutes for marijuana (Your Health 3). It was said by one patient on Marinol that, All it did was make me groggy without enhancing my appetite., but marijuana has been found to increase the appetites of AIDS p! atients. AIDS activists and the doctors who treat the disease report that marijuana is also useful for suppressing the nausea thats a side effect of several anti AIDS drugs (Your Health 3). Another vital concern when dealing with an AIDS patients is their immune system. However, when studying HIV-positive men who used marijuana, it was determined that the marijuana did not seem to accelerate the deterioration of their immune systems (Your Health 4). This is another important consideration in treating this deadly disease. There are many different viewpoints on the use of marijuana as a medicine. These different points of view result in many important issues regarding the use of an illegal drug for medicinal use. Even though there are many people who are against legalizing marijuana for medical purposes, there are just as many who feel that if used correctly, marijuana can be an essential part of treating serious diseases. For centuries marijuana has been used to help those who are in need of effective pain relief . There are many doctors and patients, who feel that the usefulness and effectiveness of marijuana is being overlooked. As a result, many doctors are recommending the use of marijuana, regardless of the possible legal issues. Many patients, who are suffering from cancer, multiple sclerosis, and AIDS, have discovered that marijuana is a drug that provides them with much needed relief and they are using marijuana regardless of the consequences. In basic terms Marijuana may hav! e long term adverse effects and its use may presage serious addictions, but neither long-term side effects nor addictions is a relevant issue in such patients (Federal Foolishness and Marijuana 1) While advocating the legalization of marijuana as a recreational drug would be detrimental to society, its effectiveness for medicinal uses is clear and needs to be seriously considered.
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